Performance Booking Report

This report will help you focus on what matters most, providing the initial pathway to improve your travel marketing strategies and drive growth.


Total Score

Bookings Goals

Marketing generates bookings, not vanity metrics

Score: 4

Are supporting metrics and KPIs being used to evaluate marketing success?

You Answered

Supporting metrics such as CPA (cost per acquisition), LTV (lifetime value), and conversion rates provide a deeper understanding of the return on investment and help optimize the marketing strategy for cost-efficiency. Use a mix of analytics tools (Google Analytics, HubSpot, etc.) to measure additional KPIs. Segment reporting by channel and optimize campaigns to ensure that every dollar spent maximizes traveler lifetime value and lowers acquisition costs.

You're currently measuring KPIs beyond the booking to better understanding your marketing performance. Having a clear grasp on your CPA (cost per acquisition), LTV (lifetime value), and conversion rates will continue to allow you access to a deeper understanding of your marketing ROI.

Are the primary KPIs for marketing success revenue & bookings-driven?

You Answered

It ensures that marketing efforts are directly tied to the most critical outcomes—revenue and bookings—allowing marketers to focus in on conversion-driving strategy and tactics, rather than vanity metrics like impressions or likes. Set clear KPIs related to revenue and bookings and consistenly align campaigns with these goals. Utilize tools like Google & Social Media Analytics, CRM systems, and financial modeling to track performance and measure the impact on revenue. When using Google Ads, make sure you're sending conversion data directly to Google Ads, not via Google Analytics (if your technology allows).

You're setting clear KPIs related to revenue and bookings and consistenly aligning campaigns with these goals. Keep up the good work. Pro tip: Make sure you're sending conversion data directly to Google Ads, and not through the Google Analytics integration to ensure you're getting the best data. Some reservation technologies don't have this functionality, but it's definitely worth looking into.

Do we know the percentage of marketing budget allocated to different funnel stages (e.g: TOF, MOF, BOF) - and why we chose that %?

You Answered

Optimizing the budget allocation for different funnel stages ensures you’re targeting travelers with the right message at the right time, maximizing the efficiency of your spend. Break down your budget into funnel stages. Use attribution models to identify where your spend is most effective, and shift funds between Top of Funnel (Inspiration phase/general keywords), Middle of Funnel (Engagement), and prioritizing Bottom of Funnel (Booking/High intent and brand keywords) based on performance.

You're breaking down your budget into funnel stages and using attribution models to identify where your spend is most effective. Continue to shift funds between Top of Funnel (Inspiration phase/general keywords), Middle of Funnel (Engagement), and prioritizing Bottom of Funnel (Booking/High intent and brand keywords) based on performance to maximize your spend efficiency.

Is performance reporting reviewed monthly by key stakeholders and focused on bookings?

You Answered

Regular reviews ensure accountability and keep marketing aligned with booking targets, allowing for course corrections as needed. Schedule monthly reviews with key stakeholders. Present performance reports focusing on bookings, using visual dashboards (e.g., Tableau, Google Data Studio) to track results by campaign/channel and adapt strategies.

You're currently conducting at least monthly reviews with key stakeholders. Your performance reports focus on bookings, using visual dashboards (e.g., Tableau, Google Data Studio) to track results by campaign/channel and adapt strategies.

Are we leveraging financial modeling to set benchmarks overall and per channel?

You Answered

Financial models provide a roadmap, setting realistic goals and helping to allocate resources effectively across channels for maximum impact. Work with both your finance and marketing teams to develop projections based on past performance, factoring in seasonality and travel trends. Use software like Excel or specialized tools to forecast for each channel.

You have financial models that provide a roadmap with realistic goals and you can allocate resources effectively across channels - something many travel companies haven't figured out. Nice work!

Traveler Segments

Marketing campaigns target specific phases of traveler intent

Score: 4

Do we revisit and update customer segments based on performance data?

You Answered

Regularly revising customer segments based on data ensures that your targeting remains relevant, improving both engagement and conversion rates. Review traveler segment performance data quarterly. Adjust your customer segments based on behaviors, booking patterns, and campaign performance. Consider building micro-personas to further segment and target your most profitable customers.

You are consistently revisiting and updating customer segments based on performance data. This ensures your marketing strategies remain aligned with evolving customer behaviors and market trends, maximizing the effectiveness of targeted campaigns.

Do we track and measure performance & bookings per segment?

You Answered

Monitoring segment-level performance enables you to optimize your budget and bookings by focusing on high-converting segments. Set up tracking for each traveler segment in your analytics tools, and generate performance reports by audience to understand which segments drive the most bookings. Iterate, test, and expand on audiences that perform best.

You are actively tracking and measuring performance and bookings for each segment, allowing for targeted insights and data-driven decision-making. This ensures that each segment is optimized for growth and helps identify which areas are contributing most effectively to overall business goals.

Are we only using in-platform (3rd party) data for creating segments & targeting?

You Answered

Relying solely on third-party data limits targeting precision and leads to inefficient spend. First and second-party data can provide more effective targeting options and significantly better ROI. Integrate first and second party data (from travel data partners, CRM, website, email) with third-party data (supplied by Meta, Google, etc.) to create more accurate customer profiles in social media platforms. Purchase travel intent data from OTAs, airlines, and hotel companies (via data brokers) and target in-market segments based on annual travel spend, loyalty behavior, and booked travel.

Congrats... you're one of the few survey takers using second party data from websites like Kayak, Marriott, SkyScanner, and more. You have access to highly accurate travel intent data and are able to target travelers who are ready to purchase from you across channels.

Have we clearly documented three or more traveler segments and personas?

You Answered

Curated traveler segments and personas allow you to deliver personalized marketing messages, which improve conversion rates and customer loyalty. Create traveler personas and at least three audience segments based on demographics, travel habits, and preferences to create tailored campaigns.

You currently have at least 3 traveler personas based on demographics, travel habits, and preferences to create tailored campaigns. This puts you in a strong position to speak directly to your audience and drive conversions.

Have we clearly identified why travelers choose us and not competitors?

You Answered

Knowing why travelers prefer your brand allows you to leverage these insights in your messaging to drive more bookings. Conduct surveys, analyze reviews, and study booking data to uncover the factors that differentiate your brand. Use these insights to craft personalized marketing messages that resonate with target audiences.

You know why travelers prefer your brand and you leverage these insights in your messaging to drive more bookings. Pro tip: You can further expand your knowledge of your ideal traveler profile by conducting surveys, analyzing reviews, and studying booking data to uncover the factors that differentiate your brand.

Traveler Intent

Marketing decisions are mapped to the appropriate steps of the traveler booking journey

Score: 4

Is paid search driving only research, planning, and booking traffic?

You Answered

Focusing paid media on travelers ready to plan and book increases the ROI of your search campaigns. Leave inspiration to social & display. Target high-intent keywords and brand keywords first, and create ads designed for travelers in the decision phase. Use conversion tracking to measure effectiveness.

Your paid search efforts are effectively driving targeted traffic at critical stages of the traveler journey—research, planning, and booking. This ensures that your ads are reaching potential customers when they are most likely to engage and convert.

Is retargeting currently being used to recapture early-stage traffic?

You Answered

Retargeting recaptures lost opportunities and increases the likelihood of conversion from users who’ve already shown interest. Use tools like Google Ads and your Meta Pixel to set up retargeting campaigns for travelers who didn’t complete a booking, serving them tailored ads designed specifically for retargeting campaigns. Make sure the ads you serve them specifically align with the products and destinations they expressed interest in.

You are effectively using retargeting to recapture early-stage traffic, keeping your brand top of mind for potential travelers and increasing the chances of re-engagement with your booking process when they reach the point of booking. Tip: Make sure the retargeting ads you deliver cater to the specific destination and/or product the user was looking at, rather than just your brand.

Is content strategy diversified across multiple stages of traveler research - from inspiration to booking?

You Answered

Different content types for various stages of the funnel nurture travelers and guide them towards booking. Create a full-funnel content strategy that includes blogs, videos, and guides for early-stage inspiration and engagement, alongside product pages and booking CTAs for bottom-of-funnel travelers.

You have a diversified content strategy that caters to multiple stages of traveler research, from inspiration to booking. This ensures that your brand stays relevant and helpful throughout the entire decision-making process, guiding travelers seamlessly from exploration to conversion. Now, you can start regularly auditing and refreshing your content to ensure it remains aligned with changing traveler behaviors and trends. Consider leveraging user-generated content or influencer partnerships to create authentic, engaging material that resonates at each stage of the funnel.

Is there a function in place to move travelers down the funnel?

You Answered

Effective funnel management turns casual browsers into bookers by nurturing them with tailored messaging and incentives. Use retargeting, email nurturing, and personalized ad creatives to engage travelers at different funnel stages. Implement exit-intent pop-ups and remarketing ads to capitalize on traveler interest.

You have a clear function in place to guide travelers through the funnel, from initial awareness to booking, ensuring that each stage of the journey is optimized for conversion. This helps streamline the user experience and encourages travelers to progress smoothly toward making a reservation. Implement personalized recommendations or remarketing strategies at key stages to re-engage travelers who may have dropped off, providing them with tailored content to nudge them closer to booking.

Is the booking action easily accessible to the traveler on every page of the digital experience?

You Answered

Ease of booking and frictionless user experiences increases the chances of conversion and drive higher conversion rates at all stages of the funnel. Ensure the booking button is prominently displayed across all pages of the website or app, and positioned as the clear user action, without excess distraction. Use heatmaps (Microsoft Clarity, HotJar, etc.) and user testing to verify its visibility and accessibility.

The booking action is readily available on every page of the digital experience, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly journey that encourages travelers to convert at any point. This reduces friction and increases the likelihood of securing bookings. Consider using visual cues like a sticky booking button or a contrasting color to make the booking action stand out even more, guiding users toward taking action without being intrusive.

Channel Diversity

The ideal marketing mix is tailored to your stage of maturity & growth

Score: 4

Are we attempting to unlock new marketing channels?

You Answered

Exploring new channels ensures long-term growth and mitigates risk from over-reliance on current ones. Test emerging channels (e.g. TikTok, videos, influencer marketing, activations, print) on a small scale and evaluate their potential.

You are actively working to unlock new marketing channels, expanding your reach and creating new opportunities to engage with potential travelers. This helps ensure that your marketing strategy remains innovative and adaptable to changing market conditions.

Is distribution both direct and via 3rd parties?

You Answered

Using both direct and third-party distribution channels widens your reach and increases bookings. Use direct channels (website, email) for brand-controlled experiences and third-party channels (OTAs) to tap into larger audiences. If you've made the strategic decisition to only sell direct to consumer (and not via third parties), good for you. You always have a backup. If you are selling primarily through OTAs, diversifying and creating a direct booking channel needs to be a priority so you stay in control of your business.

You are utilizing a hybrid distribution strategy, combining both direct channels and third-party platforms to reach a broader audience. This allows you to maintain control over your direct relationships while also benefiting from the extended reach of third-party partners.

Is each individual channel responsible for less than 35% of bookings?

You Answered

Over-reliance on one channel is risky; diversifying ensures more stable results and growth. Assess your channel mix and redistribute budget to test new channels if any single channel is responsible for more than 35% of your bookings.

Good for you. You're not over-reliant on a single marketing channel and you're in a much stronger position with headwinds ultimately appear on one or multiple of your channels. You're in a position most travel companies only dream of. Continue testing & unlocking new channels to further reduce any channel dependency risk you may still have.

Are there both paid and organic distrubution channels?

You Answered

A balanced strategy ensures you’re capturing both high intent, active searchers (via paid) and passive explorers (via organic & social). Invest in SEO for organic traffic targeting Inspiration and Engagement phases, while running paid search campaigns to target high-intent travelers and convert to bookings. Monitor your performance and ensure you don't become over-reliant on a single channel.

You have a well-balanced approach, leveraging both paid and organic distribution channels to maximize reach and visibility. This ensures that your content and messaging are consistently seen by travelers across various touchpoints, from search engines to social platforms.

Is organic traffic being retargeted with paid media?

You Answered

Retargeting organic traffic can maximize the chances of conversion, leveraging traveler interest that’s already been shown. Set up retargeting ads for users who visited key pages on your website but did not book. Use Google Ads and Meta to retarget these visitors.

You are successfully retargeting organic traffic with paid media, ensuring that visitors who discover your brand organically are re-engaged and guided further along the conversion path. This strategy maximizes the value of your organic efforts and keeps potential customers in the funnel. To improve retargeting performance, segment your organic traffic based on user behavior (such as pages visited or time spent on site) and create personalized ad campaigns that address their specific interests and needs. This will make your retargeting ads more relevant and effective. Depending on your offering, you can even look at products like Meta's Travel Ads for Retargeting.

Performance Creative

Creative is developed, aggressively tested, and leveraged to target the right traveler

Score: 4

Are we tracking performance metrics linked directly to creative impact?

You Answered

Tracking creative performance helps refine your creative and targeting strategy with each campaign, ensuring your content and ads drive increasing bookings. Use analytics tools to monitor creative metrics such as CTR, engagement, and conversions by creative asset. Tie these metrics back to bookings to measure the impact of each campaign. Remove underperforming campaigns and continually test variables within the highest performing creative.

ou are effectively tracking performance metrics directly tied to creative impact, allowing you to evaluate how well your creative assets are driving engagement and conversions. This ensures that you can make data-driven decisions to continually refine and improve your campaigns. Tip: Go beyond basic metrics like clicks and impressions by tracking creative-specific KPIs such as engagement rate, conversion lift, and creative fatigue. Use these insights to optimize underperforming assets and allocate more budget to top-performing creatives.

Does the creative effectively highlight key selling points and call-to-actions (CTAs)?

You Answered

Clear selling points and strong CTAs prompt travelers to book, driving direct action. Emphasize key features and include bold, actionable CTAs like “Book Now” or “Explore Destinations.” Ensure this messaging is front and center.

Your creative effectively showcases key selling points and incorporates strong call-to-actions (CTAs), ensuring that your audience clearly understands the value of your offering and is encouraged to take the next step.

Is our creative consistent across channels and touchpoints?

You Answered

Consistent creative across the user journey ensures a seamless brand experience, building trust and encouraging bookings. Create style guides and templates for creative assets across channels. Map specific user journey flows, such as paid media campaigns to website pages. Regularly audit your messaging to ensure consistency.

Your creative is consistent across all channels and touchpoints, providing a cohesive and unified brand experience for travelers. This consistency helps build brand recognition and trust, ensuring that your messaging resonates no matter where travelers interact with your content.

Are we aggressively testing and optimizing different creative formats, like ad types and formats?

You Answered

Constant (even daily & weekly - depending on audience size & budget) testing identifies the best-performing formats, maximizing engagement and driving more bookings. A/B test different formats (images, videos, carousels) and elements (copy, images, CTA), to optimize based on down-funnel performance metrics: bookings & revenue.

You are actively testing and optimizing different creative formats, including various ad types and formats, to determine which approaches resonate best with your audience. This commitment to experimentation helps you maximize performance across campaigns.

Is our creative aligned with specific audience sements?

You Answered

Tailored creative ensures messages resonate with each segment, increasing engagement and bookings. Develop personalized creatives for each audience segment, incorporating their unique travel behaviors and motivations into the messaging. Pilot and survey the creative with small traveler segments to understant their feedback and optimize accordingly.

Your creative assets are effectively tailored to align with specific audience segments, ensuring that your messaging resonates with the unique needs, preferences, and motivations of each group. This targeted approach enhances engagement and conversion rates.