Web Design

Conversion Rate Optimization: The Definitive Guide

There was a point in time (long ago) when SEO and PPC were the primary focuses of online marketing efforts. The goal with both SEO and PPC is to bring more visitors to your website, banking on the odds that you’ll get more customers if you have more website visitors.

Hear me out when I say that SEO and PPC are a complete waste of resources if your website doesn’t work.

The goal with conversion rate optimization (CRO) is to turn more of your existing website visitors into customers, instead of trying to drive more traffic.

Online businesses that succeed today are putting serious effort into increasing conversion rates on their websites.

Introducing: The Definitive Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

This is how you get started. Choose one of the chapters below to jump directly to the chapter of your choice without refreshing the page.

Chapter 1

Conversion Rate Optimization Fundamentals

For the CRO newbies - and the seasoned pros who are brushing up on some basics - this is for you. These resources will teach you how to make the most of your current website without having advanced technical abilities. You'll learn what users like and what they don't - knowledge that will help you increase conversion rates on your website.

Chapter 2

Get More Customers By Reducing Friction

These resources will help you turn your web forms into lead-generating powerhouses. You'll learn how to maximize form conversions by cutting down clutter and providing value. The takeaway for this chapter is that you should ask for as little information as possible to make visitors feel comfortable when they fill out a form on your website.

Chapter 3

Build Trust & Credibility To Convert More Visitors

I'm the kind of person who only purchases something online if I see the green lock at the top of the page. It's small details like these that make the difference between a page bounce and a new customer. In this chapter, you'll learn how to add credibility to your website to boost visitor sentiment and increase eCommerce, signup, and contact conversions.

Chapter 4

How To Drive Conversions With A Clear Call To Action

Giving your visitors clear instructions to fill out a form or sign up for your service is one great way to convert more website visitors into customers. This chapter is jam-packed with resources that teach you how to direct visitors to your desired conversion so they don't get lost on your website.

Chapter 5

How To Get More Conversions by Leveraging Social Proof

Social proof is the art of using other people's (good) words to influence your website visitors. A perfect example of social proof is a customer testimonial. Customer testimonials not only prove that you're legitimate, but that you deliver great products or services. This chapter includes a collection of high-quality resources that explain why, when, and how to take advantage of social proof to boost your conversion rate.

Chapter 6

How To Boost Conversions with Live Chat

There's a reason live chat is on this list. It's because live chat works so well that I'd be crazy to not include it. These resources will explain why live chat is one of the best ways to keep your visitors on your website and to turn them into customers.

Chapter 7

How To Optimize Conversions with A/B Split Testing

Here is where we start to take a look at the more advanced CRO tactics. A/B split testing is when you have two versions of a web page and you deliver each one to 50% of your visitors. After the test is over, you publish the page that had a higher conversion rate. - For a better explaination, check out one of these in-depth guides on conversion optimization split testing.

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